Hello, lovelies!

After some time and consideration, I’ve decided to raise my rates, and I just wanted to take a minute and discuss that.

Compared to the industry standard, my prices are incredibly low. Like, low. The fact of the matter is, I put a lot of work into the edits I do, and my current rates don’t reflect that effort and time, especially considering each manuscript goes through two rounds of editing. There have been many, many weeks where I’ve put in ten-hour days. I don’t mind putting in long days when it’s needed because I want you to succeed and I’m willing to do whatever I can to help in that. I genuinely root for all my authors. I’m making this change because my time is valuable and your time is valuable.

New Rates

Proofreading: $.004 per word

Copy and line editing
Light: $.006 per word
Heavy: $.007 per word

Developmental editing: $.009 per word

As you can see, I’ve split copy and line editing into two categories, light and heavy. That is going to depend on how much work the manuscript needs. If it needs light copyediting, the rate will be lower. If it needs heavier copyediting, the rate will be slightly higher. And it’s very possible I may go in between as well.

If you’d like to get an idea of industry standard, you can go here and here. As you can see, my new rates are still below industry standard. These new rates will go into effect immediately. The edits that have already been scheduled stay at the previous rate. New edits scheduled from now on will be subjected to the new rate.

If you’re concerned about the price, please come to me, and we’ll figure out a payment plan. I honestly try to be very accommodating, so please don’t hesitate to ask.

I’ve also decided to permanently do 10% off for all new clients on their first edit. I like cultivating long-lasting relationships with my authors. Good rapport and getting to know each other a little better makes for the best edits.