En Dash, Em Dash, and Hyphen–Oh, My!

Sorry, guys. I didn’t mean for you to find out this way. But it’s true… I’m a total nerd. I admit it. A Doctor Who-watching, Zelda-playing, dash-loving nerd. One who has strong opinions on the dashes—which is today’s topic! In case you didn’t know, there are three...

A Brief Guide on Dialogue

Writing dialogue can feel like pulling teeth. We’ve all been there. In fact, many writers consider it to be the hardest part of writing. Having choppy, unrealistic, or just cringe-worthy dialogue can ruin a story. As a reader, I’ve put books down before because...

What the Interrobang?!

I’m sure your first question was, what the heck is an interrobang? You know what it is, have probably even used it before. I didn’t learn the name for it until months ago, and now it fascinates me for some strange reason. The interrobang is commonly represented by the...