Welcome to Telltail Editing!
First of all, congratulations on completing or almost completing a novel! That’s not easy and is something you should be proud of. You probably put many hours, not to mention a few tears here and there, into it. Now, it’s time to publish, but before that, you want your book to be the best product it can be—because it most certainly is a product.
I work with a lot of indie (self-published) authors. As you may or may not know, the market is very competitive, and quality editing can be the difference between standing out and remaining average—and even getting bad reviews that tank your rating. First impressions matter and directly impact your name and brand.
Simply put, editing is the best investment you can make in yourself and your writing.
Hi! My name is Sara. I’m an editor and an author.
I was that nerdy kid who always had a book with her. From the moment I discovered how magical reading and stories could be, I dove in headfirst and never looked back. In high school, when I started to consider what I wanted to do with my life, the obvious answer was something to do with books. So that’s what I did.
I have my BA in English from West Virginia University, where I graduated magna cum laude. I concentrated in both creative writing and professional writing and editing. I’ve been editing for eight years in various jobs, from writing consultant to freelance editor, and I’ve been running my freelance business full time since May 2019. In 2021, I became a published author, but editing is still my day job.
When I say my life revolves around storytelling, I’m not exaggerating. Getting to do this, to work on stories every day, is more than I could ever ask for.
If you’d like to get in touch with me, you can through my contact page, by emailing saraburgess@telltailediting.com or by visiting my Facebook page.

Meet my assistants!




